I know what you're thinking. I photoshopped in the cat. Nope, he crawled up onto my shoulder and sat on my back. It's the second time this week. He is so strange. He would still be sitting there but I can only hold that pose for so long. It reminds me of a calendar I saw of people in actual yoga poses with the cat sitting on them. With a little training, Jackson and I are on our way! There are actually videos you can purchase, and they might be worth it, just for the entertainment value alone! Check it out:
http://www.yogakitty.com/yogavideos.html You have to watch one of the videos. Hilarious. First of all, this guy has a cat named Ovaria. Who does that?!? Oh, you just have to watch it.
One of our cats loves shoulders/backs. sigh...!
No, gnu, a more useful trick will be teaching Jackson to use the toilet.
Think of the money saved on kitty litter!
The yoga guy with a cat named Ovaria may have an unhealthy fixation with the female body. I bet his other cats are named Urethra, Fallopian, Uterus, and no, I can't print the obvious cat/woman euphemism, because it's vulgar but you all know what it is.
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