Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Good ol' Minnesota

What a snow paradise it is here! Snow is piled high and the moon is bright inbetween cotton puff looking clouds. I just got home from Clare's Well with my mom. They have two new kittens there and honestly, is there anything greater than kittens? Orange striped brothers and their mama found a home in the ditch in front of the farm before they were carried off to live in the barn with the goats and chickens. Everyone gets along now! The mama cat was almost a kitten herself, so young with a bright future ahead of her until some Tomcat knocked her up and left her on the side of the road. Well, as luck would have it, the mama sure picked the right place to be left. The boy kittens are happy and playful and loved. The mama earned the name Katrina and the boys are yet to be named. I am voting for Cosmo and Jack (in the Pulpit), since the other cats they have are Iris and Lilly. I am now about to sit down for a good chick flick.

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