Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Lake Fun

This is as close to the ocean as it gets here in the Midwest. Lake Michigan. Wavy, cold and beautiful. Posted by Picasa

Update 4 U

Hey I'm back everyone!

I know I've lost all my readers, but hey what the heck! I'll write anyways.

What I'm listening to:
Royksopp-dreamy and dancey and satisfiying
June Carter/Johnny Cash
Sigur Ros-dark, dreamy, sullen and hopeful
The Wailing Jenny's-Canadian trio of women. So so so sweet.

It's Tulip Time, and I just planted mine. I hope the squirrels don't think I planted a snack for them.

I have become almost superstitious about trying to listen to the Writer's Almanac with Garrison Keeler at 8:50 am before work. I think it does make my day better, even if the poetry sometimes sucks. I just love it when he says, "Be Well, Do good work, and Keep in Touch." I always say it out loud with him. Today's poem was about getting married for all the wrong reasons.

Trader Joe's has finally opened in Madison. No complaints here. It's everything I hoped it would be and I am totally into the chocolate covered bing cherries. Right now, as a matter of fact.

That's about it for an update. It's been a long summer, but it wasn't long enough. It never is. Summer is starting to tuck it's green parts up for the winter, put on the long underware permanently until March.