Tuesday, January 03, 2006


So, I am curious about New Year's resolutions! We all know the popular ones, but is there more to it? All these blogs explore the phenomenon that is a Resolution.



Here's a nice list of resolutions from a fellow blogger...I like how she has projected dates for the more addictive things, like not going cold turkey on diet soda...very realistic. I think she has a good chance to succeed, although it's quite a list!


http://stellastarguitar.blogspot.com/ I like this woman's rant.
http://nickleanddimes.blogspot.com/2006/01/new-years-resolutions-part-31.html this guy actually reviewed last year's resolutions.

I hope you all enjoyed my research. I concluded that:
I resolve to not make any resolutions at this time, so that I may make the best choice, an educated resolution when I see fit. Maybe in July, I will resolve to not wear my long underware until Halloween. Who knows. I will let you all know if inspiration strikes. Of course there are changes I would like to make this year, but it's almost like making them resolutions is so cliche that it gives me permission not to change. Afterall, resolving to change can be done anytime of year. OK, that's it. That's my resolution. This year, when I think of something I need to change and can, I will. Otherwise, if I don't need to change it, or can't, I won't. Yeah, that pretty much covers it all.


Anonymous said...


Thanks for the link! I like your blog!

I also like your conclusion about resolutions. The status quo can have quite a pull so sometimes changes that really need to be made either aren't, or are made far too late. I don't always have the willpower to do it as well as I could though :P

Anonymous said...

I like your idea..
another way to put it-
BE in the moment and
make the change when you need to.
Resolutions set you up for failure otherwise....
Happy 2006

If not a mother... said...

Hello, thanks for your link!

There are some resolutions that I *know* I will follow through with, others that I will be striving for.

btw, I spent high school and college in Wisconsin. (I am an UWSP alum.)

Stella said...

Hey, I just discovered that you linked to me. Thanks! I'll keep an eye on your page :)