Sunday, June 08, 2008


Last night, I thought, 'tonight is the night for a good storm.'
This morning I wondered, 'did it storm all night?'
Where was I? Drifting in the land of dreams. Where rain filled the stereo of life outside my window. The birds chirp a bit and rehearse for when the sun comes out.
The rain carried my umbrella away. It looked like a boat floating down the sidewalk.
Like one big clap of thunder, my life erupted in the early morning as I woke up.
The rain spilled over the gutters, through the ferns, seeping into the ground.
I watched the contents of my life,
pour over the gutters, rush down. How much do I remember? How much do I forget?
The lightning flashes.
I blink, not quite awake.
It's just another moment.
Turns out it's going to rain like this all day.
How many times can I wake up in a day?

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