Saturday, February 03, 2007

It's f*$#@! cold.

Well, winter finally arrived with a vengence. After many 40 degree days in January, it's -2 degrees and going down. I have been trying to hibernate in all warm places (tanning bed, my sleeping bag on the couch, YMCA hot tub/sauna). It's helping to keep it bearable. This cold turns me into a terrible complainer. I know I live in Wisconsin, but seriously, is this what I get for it?? It's so bitter.

On a brighter note, we are going on a tropical vacation soon, the Virgin Islands. 7 days/nights on a 50 foot sailboat with 9 adults. We only know 2 of them, so there is a bit of stranger danger, but I think it will be cool. I'll let you know.

We are watching TV lately, especially Battlestar Galactica. If you haven't already discovered this most fantastic show, you should. It's the best TV has to offer. Real suspense, good acting, and sexy Cylons (one of whom was just in Playboy this month).

Be well everyone, I'm off to cocoon into my sleeping bag.

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