Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Current Events

So, I am starting to read the news again. I haven't decided if it's a good thing for me or not. It's totally interesting though to compare news sites...

for instance:
Top Headlines on CNN today...
The apprentice winner gets a new job and fiancee
A boy in China had a third arm successfully removed
Man burned using gasoline to wash clothes
High School Kids find body on field trip

OK, not that I don't care about the baby with three arms, it's great that it was successfully removed and now he can start months of physical therapy to learn to use the other one...but is it really breaking news? But of course I want to see the picture, who doesn't?? But then again, we can all picture a baby with three arms, so why am I drawn to click there? Now about the guy who washed his clothes in gas (what the $%&# did he expect)? Is it news that gas burns?

I don't get it.

Anyway, the BBC has such a huge variety of news, and they missed most of the above headlines. They did mention the boy in China. Also, a volcano and Iraq. Newsworthy stuff.

The two bits I found interesting were these:
Being an entreprenuer and self employed, and/or loneliness is genetic. This is the kind of news I read, and then I think....am I better knowing that or not knowing? I think all this research in genetics is going to take the mystery out of "personality" really fast. So, that's the news for today.

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