Friday, February 17, 2006

Colder than Cold

Only in Wisconsin and maybe Minnesota could it be 53 degrees on Tuesday and now minus 5 (windchill -10) on Friday. That's just too much for a body to handle. I am about to venture out into the cold to a dance party at a friend's house, a few blocks away. I think people weren't really built for this weather. I plan to bundle up and wear boots and even despite my preparation, I will likely swear and complain about it most of the way there. I just can't let cold like this pass by easily. Not that cursing at it makes one feel any warmer. Even the warmest thoughts I can conjure can't touch how cold it is. Sunbathing in Mexico, saunas in Germany, hot springs in Colorado....all the places I would rather be. Remind me why I live here????


Anonymous said...

it was at least -10 here all day so you moved south enough to warm up some compared to MN! We won't even discuss the windchill....

elasticwaistbandlady said...

Dr. Infidel prescribes a good dose of 'My Humps'. After shaking what you got to that classic song you will undoubtedly no longer feel the numbing cold.

Don't worry I can also prescribe something for the auditory pain that will surely follow. Remember every great cure comes with side effects.