Thursday, December 01, 2005


The sun is out!!

I'll be sure to get a picture to prove it to all of you...

Books I have read on my trip:
*Adrian Mole and Weapons of Mass Destruction
(British and SO annoying, supposed to be funny, OK-maybe a little funny)
*The Feast of Love
(a good narrative of many people's love stories)
*The Inner Circle
(about Kinsey and sex research in the 20-40's super interesting and risk-y)
*Crampton Hodnet
(about New England tea parties and spinsters, cracked me up)
*Bell Canto
(really enjoyed it all around, even if a bit sad)

Now I am nearly out of reading!!

I am curious what you all are reading?? Post a comment and do share! I need some ideas...


Anonymous said...


I'm reading history stuff but I did read novel "Never Let Me Go" by Kazuo Ishiguro (he wrote Remains of the Day). It was supposedly about cloning but it really wasn't. It made me want to go out and buy a horse for some reason. Also read some short stories by E. Annie Proulx "Close Range". All about cowboys (and horses of course) and Wyoming. Really enjoyed it. I did read Postwar by Tony Judt which is a history of Europe since the end of World War II real interesting. So now I'm going to read the books you recommended! I'll be flying back from Pennsylvania the day you fly back. See you then.


Anonymous said...

All I seem to be reading is cookbooks these days... nothing as serious as your list!

Anonymous said...

Cookbooks! I love reading cookbooks and I don't even cook! I remember reading a Russian cookbook. The recipes were great. You felt warm just reading them - the soups and all the cabbage dishes. You felt like you were in the little house in Dr. Zhivago out in the middle of nowhere in the dead of winter. Hope all is well in Minnesota. It is so cold here in Wisconsin.

We could use some of that German sun.


VeronicaExcelsior said...

Cookbooks are always good but make me hungry. Grandma, What are you cooking??

Tim you have some interesting books! All of mine are super light reading compared to yours...